Thursday, November 10, 2011

Done Paint Done

I wish I could be in London to see this group painting exhibition curated by Karl Bielik.

Done Paint Done
The Drawers Gallery
438 Kingsland Road
Opening 1st December
 runs until the 19th December

Paul Behnke
Karl Bielik
Marcus Cope
Inga Dalrymple
Patrick Galway
Eemyun Kang
David Small
Marianne Spurr
Gavin Toye
Sabine Tress

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fresh discoveries

With the aid of the wonderful WWW I've been discovering some great paintings. Here's a selection.

First, in London Town, there is Alice Browne:

Mammoth 2011
oil on canvas
27 x 30cm

And in Sydney there is Diena Georgetti who has a show on now at Sarah Cottier Gallery.

Jaguar is Jaguar 2011
acrylic, pencil and marker on canvas
130 x 90 cm

In Boston there is Jared Sprecher whose visual sources include, among other things, wallpaper and graffiti. 

Silent Hand 2011
Oil on linen
20 x 16 inches

Stay tuned....more to come.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

John Peart

Moment 1, 2011
oil on canvas
175 x 175 cm

John Peart, one of Australia's best contemporary abstract painters, is having a show of his latest crop of paintings, some of which faithfully reference his very beautiful series of collages from 2010.  Large, bold and rhythmic, these paintings are so intriguing for their scope and also for their simple and direct freshness. Literally I feel like these paintings pulse on the walls. See what I wrote about Peart's work in 2009 here. If you are in Sydney the show opens tonight at Watters Gallery and continues on until the 9th July 2011. Well worth a look!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Michael Voss

Jacqueline, 2010
oil on linen
39x33 cm

Construction in Planes, 2007
oil on linen
Fenelus, 2011
oil on linen

Micheal Voss' paintings invite contemplation. Deceptively simple, they make you wonder how they were made. What I see are colour combinations, usually analogous hues (indigo and violet, various tones of rust red for example)  placed together so that they literally vibrate. Although speaking a similar language each painting offers a different exploration of the figure ground relationship through a building up of tenuous, off-kilter structures. Blocks of flat colour cover or reveal so that we see patchy after-images or deliciously discordant  shape placements. Voss talks about complexity and simplicity concurrently, as if striving for one opens the door to the possibilities of the other "where simplicity dissolves into complexity- what is that boundary? That always interests me".  These little paintings are like beautiful objects and they plumb the depths of painting that really sustains. Read an interview with Michael Voss here.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Australian artists in London

Anthony White
Corroboration, 2011
Mixed media on handmade cotton paper

At COMODAA (Contemporary Modern Australian Art) this month is a show featuring, among others, the Australian painter Anthony White. 'Young Guns summer show', features seven amazingly talented young Australian artists:- Jane Fontane, Zoe MacDonnell, Juz Kitson, Vexta, Erin Smith and Linton Meagher. It's very exciting to see acknowledgement of the great talent we have here in Australia. The show runs from 20th - 26th June so if you're lucky enough to be in the vicinity drop in and have a look. Here is what Jonathon White, director of COMODAA has to say:

.... “We’ve had great success to date bringing established Australian artists to the UK and Europe,” says White, “but there’s a bunch of undiscovered talent on the other side of the world that I think will excite and intrigue a British audience”.

It was during a recent trip back to Sydney earlier this year to discuss plans with those artists he already represents that White came across this new crop of talent, “Every time I go back I see more opportunities, more potential, more creativity…and this show is all about that.

“Each one of these artists is unique and exciting and is pushing boundaries. Each one has a story to tell and each one is already on the cusp of great acclaim back home in Aus. Here is a chance for them to get ahead of the game in the UK, to get out there and, hopefully, get people talking.”

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mostyn Bramley-Moore

Noisy Dusk, Bolivia Hill - 2011
oil on polyester
178 x148cm

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Judy Ledgerwood

Hot Sun Cool Shade, 2010
Oil on canvas, 15 x 15 in

'the tensions between decoration and abstraction'. Good reading here (scroll down)

Guy Yanai

Toyota Taliban
Oil on panel

Barcelona Chair
Oil on panel

Forty paintings (2010) Guy Yanai

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Phoebe Unwin

Information, 2010
Oil on canvas (75.5 × 60 cm)
Image: Wilkinson Gallery

Phoebe Unwin's work always puts a smile on my face because each jewel like painting takes me on a surprising, quirky ride. Like a modern day Prunella Clough, Unwin's paintings capture the abstract in the everyday. Each painting feels like an experiment in paint; blurry, hard edge, washy, stringy, gluggy - confidently applied and sometimes deliciously awkward too. And the kicker, for me, is that each one emerges as an individual in it's own right. I admire a painter who is not afraid to change direction with each new canvas. Phoebe Unwin has a new show at Wilkinson Gallery in London and I really wish I could be there to have a look. For further reading HERE'S a good article.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mario Naves

voice farm, 2010
acylic paint and pasted paper
9 1/2 x 10 1/2 inches
Image: Elizabeth Harris Gallery

I'm a big fan of Mario Naves' work. I wrote about him a while ago HERE and only just realised he has recently produced more of his beautiful painterly collages when I stumbled on his writing blog - Too Much Art. I won't gush again as I have already done so. Have a look at his recent work at Elizabeth Harris Gallery. It's well worth it.