Sunday, June 19, 2011

Michael Voss

Jacqueline, 2010
oil on linen
39x33 cm

Construction in Planes, 2007
oil on linen
Fenelus, 2011
oil on linen

Micheal Voss' paintings invite contemplation. Deceptively simple, they make you wonder how they were made. What I see are colour combinations, usually analogous hues (indigo and violet, various tones of rust red for example)  placed together so that they literally vibrate. Although speaking a similar language each painting offers a different exploration of the figure ground relationship through a building up of tenuous, off-kilter structures. Blocks of flat colour cover or reveal so that we see patchy after-images or deliciously discordant  shape placements. Voss talks about complexity and simplicity concurrently, as if striving for one opens the door to the possibilities of the other "where simplicity dissolves into complexity- what is that boundary? That always interests me".  These little paintings are like beautiful objects and they plumb the depths of painting that really sustains. Read an interview with Michael Voss here.


  1. I love this artist and your blog is terrific. You have a great eye and find wonderful artists dealing with abstraction.

  2. These works are really cool. Basic but well composed. Thanks for sharing!

    -Christi at, an art blog

  3. good work-colour and structure delightful
