Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mario Naves

voice farm, 2010
acylic paint and pasted paper
9 1/2 x 10 1/2 inches
Image: Elizabeth Harris Gallery

I'm a big fan of Mario Naves' work. I wrote about him a while ago HERE and only just realised he has recently produced more of his beautiful painterly collages when I stumbled on his writing blog - Too Much Art. I won't gush again as I have already done so. Have a look at his recent work at Elizabeth Harris Gallery. It's well worth it.


  1. OK. You are making me waste time - but it's such a lovely journey! I started at this post, found a "you might also like" (which I did) and ended up discovering even more artists that I not only like, I love. Your writing is truly perceptive, and now I don't know why i bother with my blog. Always a pleasure...

  2. Thanks, mate. I quite like the feature "you might also like" -very helpful :)
