Thursday, January 20, 2011

Phoebe Unwin

Information, 2010
Oil on canvas (75.5 × 60 cm)
Image: Wilkinson Gallery

Phoebe Unwin's work always puts a smile on my face because each jewel like painting takes me on a surprising, quirky ride. Like a modern day Prunella Clough, Unwin's paintings capture the abstract in the everyday. Each painting feels like an experiment in paint; blurry, hard edge, washy, stringy, gluggy - confidently applied and sometimes deliciously awkward too. And the kicker, for me, is that each one emerges as an individual in it's own right. I admire a painter who is not afraid to change direction with each new canvas. Phoebe Unwin has a new show at Wilkinson Gallery in London and I really wish I could be there to have a look. For further reading HERE'S a good article.


  1. love her work, thanks for the introduction

  2. i will pop along and see this show ! looks v interesting

  3. Don't make me jealous VH! Did you go? what'd you think?

  4. Have you tried or do you know about the No Hassle at The Castle blog?

  5. Always looking for new reading. Thanks for the link, Cap.
