Friday, September 9, 2011

Fresh discoveries

With the aid of the wonderful WWW I've been discovering some great paintings. Here's a selection.

First, in London Town, there is Alice Browne:

Mammoth 2011
oil on canvas
27 x 30cm

And in Sydney there is Diena Georgetti who has a show on now at Sarah Cottier Gallery.

Jaguar is Jaguar 2011
acrylic, pencil and marker on canvas
130 x 90 cm

In Boston there is Jared Sprecher whose visual sources include, among other things, wallpaper and graffiti. 

Silent Hand 2011
Oil on linen
20 x 16 inches

Stay tuned....more to come.


  1. Great selection, I especially like Diena Georgetti's work. Thanks for the post.

  2. Fantastic artists...Alice Browne is a particular favourite, I love this painting!

  3. Alice Browne's work in particular is great - always feels fresh even though when it might seem in danger of retreading overly familiar ground.

    Another london based painter who's work I've thought was interesting is George Young ( Maybe doesn't show up very well in the shots though.
