Living Room Creatures, Grey eats Red - 2007 - Acrylic on canvas - 100 x 100 cm
Image: Galerie Proarta
German painter Sabine Tress knows how to apply paint and she does it playfully, boldly and sensuously. In every picture she makes there is a freshness that allows the shapes to settle without them becoming stodgy or obvious. I'm intrigued by what lies beneath the great swathes of colour - what goes before in these paintings are just as much a part of the final result and the layers never feel heavy or over worked. This painting is part of a series called Living Room Creatures. Go and have a look at the whole set - they make me laugh out loud! Her earlier graffitiesque works are also a treat.
I really like your blog too. You write well (perhaps you should be a critic??- love to see some of your work. I also like your taste in artists - Paul Higgs was a teacher of mine and I have been a "Fairweather" friend (excuse th eoun) forever. Just waiting for a decent book to come out on him - may never happen, considering the poor archival state of his work and difficulty photographing it. Keep it up!
Hi Gabrielle. Did you not think much of the Murray Bail new revised edition of his Fairweather monograph? I haven't read it yet though I plan to when I get around to buying it. You're a lucky ducky having Mr Higgs for a teacher. I'm planning to make a website of my own work...though it's a slow work in progress at the moment. When it's up I'll be sure to send you a link.
Hey UP...looking forward to the new website to see your work. I'm finding people asking to see what I do as opposed to all the artists I post.on. But I do love to be led to artists by artists...and your leads are wonderful!
Hi Sophie. Yeah, I guess it's fair enough that people want to see your own work. I'm struggling to find the time to do a personal website justice at the moment but I'm working towards it slowly but surely. Thanks heaps for your interest and I'm glad the leads I provide are rewarding. All the best.
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