Pink Abstraction, 2003
3 7/8 x 3 3/4 inches
Here is an article that reminds me of the reasons to paint. Ken Kewley - writings on colour. Thanks to Painting Perceptions for posting this one and MW Capacity for drawing my attention to it. (ETA: Here is an updated version)
Here are a few gems from the article:
Put down the one color that excites you the most, then the next, relating it to the first. This is the relationship that excites you the most. Then the third color, relating it always to the whole. You are emphasizing what interest you and minimizing other things by putting them in the service of your true passion and leaving out altogether what distracts. Keep it simple.
In painting you never do what you set out to do. Something else happens. If it always turns out right you are probably doing something wrong.
Do not try to make a picture of something. Make something.
I'm awake now!
Ken Kewley