Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Painters' Table

Just when I thought I had exhausted my quest to find good painting sites on the web I stumbled on this site; Painters' Table. It describes itself as a magazine of the painting blogosphere and seems to have a wide variety of links to news, multimedia, books, interviews and more. Created recently by Brett Baker, this site has great potential and just might become a definitive guide to painting resources on the net. I look forward to reading more.


  1. Greetings from Portugal, first of all i would like to congratulate your work in "Painter's Table" its a very nice blog.
    I also would like to promote my recent blog, its about the new emerging and unknow artists from Portugal, related with contemporary art, the blog its in portuguese, but anyway this is the link:


    Helder C. Dias

  2. I would like to mend a small mistake in previous comment where I wrote the wrong name of your blog, sory about that.

    ! Namaste!
    Helder C. Days
