Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gabrielle Jones

"This too Shall Pass" 2010
122cm x 122cm 
Oil on canvas

Gabrielle Jones has a series of gorgeous works on display at the Goulburn Regional Gallery. The show is called 'Paint as Landscape' and the works ooze movement and light. I love the way paint is used to capture a fleeting moment, a memory of a sensory perception. Paint is applied generously and in equal measures of thick and thin so that the works breathe. 

I am interested in the slippage between the real and illusion, fast and slow, movement and static; the point in which nature disintegrates or decays (and the decay of the image); the time between light and dark; and nature as a site of flux and impermanence - that is, the transience of the real. - Gabrielle Jones 'Paint as Landscape' 2010 catalogue.

Gabrielle Jones has produced a very strong body of work and it is so gratifying to see this dedicated painter hitting her stride. Do yourself a favour and go see for yourself. The show ends December 4th.


  1. Thanks for the kind words. They better hurry! )All too quick and exhibition....) Now for storing it in my already over-run studio!

  2. is all really great .
    fantastic work
