Sunday, May 13, 2012

International Artist Collaboration in Bushwick

Introducing ALLTOGETHERNOW a collaborative show of artists to be held in Brooklyn, NY as part of BOS- Bushwick Open Studio Weekend 2012 June 1st - 3rd.

Prior to the show, local and visiting artists (one of which is me!) will gather to take part in a collaborative drawing party for BOS at Hyperallergic HQ ,Williamsburg. Works from this event including a selection of works by visiting artists will be part of the final show.

ALLTOGETHERNOW has been organised by the fabulous Brooklyn based artist and curator Julie Torres. I am so excited to be part of this event, it will be an invaluable experience offering visiting artists an opportunity to explore the flourishing art scene in Bushwick.

Participating artists and their work can be seen here: , an awesome website created by Brian Edmonds.

I intend to post photos of the show when I return - stay tuned!

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