Monday, February 22, 2010

Scott Richter

Scott Richter
Cluttertrap 2008
oil paint medium on carpet

Scott Richter's work is steeped in the language of paint - paint as subject; what it does, how it feels and how it can totally involve the senses of the viewer. For me I think my taste buds have reacted accordingly. Yum. Scott Richter concerns himself with the process and material of painting.

Anyway, here are some links to folk who have actually seen the show:
great video by James Kalm


  1. Hey UP....

    I was going to blog this it is so fabulous!

    Funny about that.

    Even had better check the artist out who I am presently posting a story on my blog about. Her name is Inga... her work is fabulous and she has a show in Sydney this weekend.

    Was hoping to see somthing about that on her blog!
    Oh yes...I am cheeky sometimes!

  2. Ha ha...yeah, I heard about that. Good for her ;) That's a very lovely post you made too...I'm sure she is very grateful.

  3. it lamost looks like he has used paint as a collage..strips of it.

    thanks for popping by, yes I saw the tiles... and love the whole story.

    I will keep you posted..
