Monday, July 5, 2010

Painting blogs

Today I discovered some excellent painting blogs. First: (and thanks to NSP -nice paintings! - at Word of Hand for posting a link) Next, check out Glaze :

Saturday, July 3, 2010

...not a statement - Douglas Witmer

....not a statement by Douglas Witmer

Tell the birds -2009
Black gesso and acrylic on canvas

Fruitville - mixed media on wood

I found the work of Douglas Witmer online some time ago. On reading his 'artist statement' I was instantly captured by the circular structure and the simplicity of his words about painting and what it is (or isn't). When I recently got in touch with him to ask if I could post it here he told me that the words took him some time to write. To my mind the best 'artist statements' have clarity and need to get straight to the heart of an artists practice -even if they do take time to write - and Douglas Witmer certainly writes clearly and simply about his process. His insights into the nature of painting are thought provoking and particularly meaningful for abstract painters where the task of negotiating a position; attempting to work in a relevant and fresh way, can be difficult. Indeed, to put these challenges into words is a personal thing but also, when overdone, can become meaningless and detract from the work. Visit his website to look at his paintings and mixed media on wood. Like his words, his work is a direct and honest inquiry into the nature of paint and the surfaces on to which he applies it.

Douglas Witmer's current show, "Fruitville", can be viewed at Some Walls, Oakland CA, June 20 - July 25th 2010